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What is "ramen" does not have to be explained here.
However, there are two things that I would like to mention in relation to ramen.

The first is the pronunciation. Does it mean ramen or lame?
Yes, in the Japanese language there is no difference between R and L. Most Japanese speak an "L"…


What is "ramen" does not have to be explained here.
However, there are two things that I would like to mention in relation to ramen.

The first is the pronunciation. Does it mean ramen or lame?
Yes, in the Japanese language there is no difference between R and L. Most Japanese speak an "L" instead of an "r". This means that we write Japanese "ramen" for pasta soup and pronounce it.

The second point is that "ramen" in Europe is popular in my opinion for a different reason than in Japan. What exactly is behind it is difficult to find out.
I personally assume that in Europe you like "ramen" in particular the high Umami content of the soup and the portion size.
The character and quality of the pasta, on the other hand, that play a major role for Japanese are not so important for Europeans, right?




1. くまの

As the name of the restaurant suggests, specialized with Japanese noodle soup "Ramen". Many variations including duck meat or corn. Chinese restaurants in Japan look like this. Only taste is… 詳細情報
  • ラーメン専門

2. Ai Ramen Klara

  • ラーメン専門

3. Ai Ramen Sofia

  • ラーメン専門

4. Akira

  • ラーメン専門

5. Arigator Ramen Shop

7 types of ramen and a menu with many individual toppings. There is also a vegan Ramen. 詳細情報
  • ラーメン専門

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